Monday, February 16, 2009

Age Of Empires 1 Multiplayer Ohne Cd

Gr8 tracks: Made in Polska Vol 1 & 2

stupid Dance, dance,

your life fun!

On the meeting of fire fly!

stupid Dance, dance,

a grand ball matters!

That's all today, you can have ...

(Tanz, blöd Kuh, tanz,
als wenn es um Dein Leben geht,
spring in den Feuerkranz.
tanz, blöd Cow, dancing,
organizing a large ball,
that's all what you have today can ... )

- Lady Pank , Tańcz głupia, Tańcz

Before you come in Trikont or Zweitausendeins the idea Gr8tracks make now even a trip to Poland of the '70s and '80s : A total of 45 tracks from a period between Solidarity, John Paul II and Gezegorz Lato . Thanks to the following sung poetry Marek Grechutas , the legend Maanam Which at the time refused the Warsaw Palace of Culture in honor of the Soviet Union to act (and were knighted so with a performance ban by Jaruzelski-state), the (former) child star Natalia Kukulska whose mother, in Poland very popular pop singer Anna Jantar , 1980 died in a plane crash at the Warsaw airport killed, probably the first Eastern European boy band Papa Dance , sleaze-rockers like Korba , Kobranocka who once drank the soft eggs of the dead trousers under the table , bands like Aya RL , Perfect, Budka Suflera and from that emerged Lady Pank whose texts were between the lines often allows more critical than it managed yet to get around more narrowly censorship, T. Love that Tramwaje with Autobusy i the unofficial soundtrack of this gray years and a half minutes, supplied Klaus Mitffoch that created by critics think one of the best Polish rock albums, the inventor of the Polish Reggae, Mr. Zoob , or pop, Synth and New Wave Beads Made in Polska of Lombard, Urszula , Izabela Trojanowska and combination.

More information is It here. Although the Rock Archive in Polish, but it is enough to know that Szukaj is ( Search ), one finds just about everything you are looking for.

Mr. . Zoob