Il periodo Norman Lascia a Salerno un secolo circa Tues intensa partecipazione all vicende storiche del tempo, i Normanni ingrandirono la cinta muraria che arrivo a circa 3000 metri, fu costruito il Duomo di San Matteo ed il Campanile romanico, fu eretto Castel Terracena,

medieval Salerno was erected in the ninth century to supply water to the monastery of San Benedetto at the eastern walls.
It consists of two branches, one coming from the hills to the north, the other from the heights east of the city, and both are reunited at the current Via Arce (which takes its name from their bows) at one edge of the ancient city walls. Initially serving only the Benedictine monastery, later an underground branch allowed to supply the convent of Piantanova in Via Mercanti.
runs partly on arches, for which it was used for the first time the pointed arch.
The aqueduct was popularly dubbed "the Devil's Bridge" and said that it had been built in one night, with the help of demons, the magician of the twelfth century Peter Salerno Barliario. Popular superstition believed also that venture under the arches between dusk and dawn would bring to the encounter with spirits or demons.
Also, the use of 'Gothic arch, a real architectural novelty at the time, you should probably scared, and not a little, the impressionable populace.
In about one century of intense participation in the historical events of the time, the Normans enlarged Salerno walls, that were about 3,000 metres long, they built Saint Matthew’s Cathedral and the Romanesque bell tower, they erected Terracena Castle and a Royal Castle.

The Romanesque aqueduct of Salerno was built in the 14th century to provide water to San Benedetto’s Cathedral, near the oriental walls.
It is made up of two branches: one from the north hills, a second branch from the hills to the east of the town; both were rejoined in present-day Via Arce (whose name is derived from their arcs) near an edge of the ancient walls. In a first moment they supplied only the Benedictine monastery, later an underground ramification allowed to supply the convent of the Piantanova, in the Merchants street.
It runs partly on arcades, for which the ogival arc was used for the first time.
The aqueduct was renamed "Bridges of the Devil" and people say that it had been built in one night, with the help of demons, by the magician of the XII century Pietro Barliario. Popular superstition held, besides, that to venture under the arcs between dusk and dawn would have led to the meeting with devils or spirits.
Besides, the use of the ogival arc, true architectural novelty of that age, must probably have frightened, and not a little, the inhabitants of the sensitive area.
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